P: Person/persons
O: Of the
W: Weeks
!!: Double exclamation marks/Just a typical attention seeking device/an irritating symbol that is used often by your boss in his/her emails/can directly means trouble for you/Attention and respect ma authorita~/ /to make sure you read the POW out loud.
So, every single week there will be a POW!! Post coming out talking about mere mortals that happened to contact me. I repeat, mere mortals that happened to contact me. Which means, these people can be any single one of 'em who, fortunately for them!, they met me before they die! So these people can be A cab driver, sushi maker, drunkards, hookers, strangers, druggies, classmates, adrenaline pumped-up Japanese, friends, the lord himself, girlfriends, Jim Jones, maid, beggars, holy people, siblings, idiots, doctors, gigolo, playa~, tutors, mormons, peddlers, assholes, gamers, magic mushroom seller, racist, actors/actresses, pornstar, priest and nuns, Chocolatiers, receptionist, Joseph Smith Jr, chef, bell boys, call girls, tricksters, angels, escorts, cheap-asians, scientologist, random chicks, con-man, movie-ticket seller, bouncer, L. Ron Hubbard, themepark crew, big buffed dude, nerds, and Neil Patrick Harris.

To be eligible as a POW these POW!! has somehow managed to contact me in anytime of their life and leave such a lasting impression to me or crippled me for life that they alter the history of the world altogether (the butterfly effect you see..a flap of a butterfly in Africa causes a Katrina in North America, and don't ask me why, it just is) So these POW!! may either kicked me ass, hi-5ed me, stared me, chatted me, hugged me, slapped me, sold me, lied me, gave me, funned me, awesomed me and many many many more!! and vice versa.
Well...I guess I made myself very clear in regards to POW!!.
That's all folks, lets see how this things turn out.
fingers crossed!
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